Как установить emc на предметы в майнкрафт

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Hi, i’m running a server for the ATLauncher pack Natural Magic, and there are a few modded items/blocks i’d like to add to the custom EMC list however my own coding skills are terrible, and i have no idea what information this code requires in order to sucseed. I was hoping someone wouldn’t mind either pointing me to a guide, or putting some examples here for me to copy or work from? I’d really appreciate it. Its mainly Thaumcraft and Ars Magica i’m looking to add items for, but it would obviously be useful for multiple mods to know how to have them have EMC values. Thanks in advance for any assistance offered.

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First go into config ProjectE.cfg file and set both variables to true. So it looks like this:
B:»Show Ore-Dictionary names in tool-tips»=true
B:»Show unlocalized names in tool-tips»=true

Then get the OD name or UN name

then use command in game

/projecte_addEMC OD ingotCyanite 1020

with 1020 being the EMC you want the item to have.

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Do these commands require a restart of a server to take effect? And thank you, i shall give it a try shortly.

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The ingame commands do not require a restart but the config changes do.

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I’ve set both values to true in the config and restarted my server, where will the OD and UN Names be displayed?

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Search for the item in nei and mouse over it and the names will show in the item tooltip.

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If i search for Thaumcraft shards in NEI and hover over i see «Air Shard 4115» followed by «Thaumcraft» as the mod, i’m guessing neither of those are the values i’m looking for as i’m fairly sure they showed up before.

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no, air shard is OD shardAir
so you would type
/projecte_addEMC OD shardAir 256

if you want it to be worth 256 emc.

not sure why your not showing the un and od names if you set the configs right.
You can probably figure out the other shards (shardWater shardFire ETC..) but you
will need the configs to work to figure out others.

Did you remember to save the config file after you changed the values? Did you save it to the same place you opened it from? If so not sure why its not working.

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Yeah i’ve double checked on the server, but i’ll restart the server and PC again and try once more, could it be related to WAILA?

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no I have waila installed also. You should be able to mouse an item in nei or in your inventory and it will say

Air Shard 4362
UN: Thaumcraft:ItemShard
OD: shardAir

Did you enter that command and did it work?
Did you change the configs in both the server and your local configs?

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Not my local ones no, That might have made more sense. I’ll try that quickly.

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Managed to get them to display and added the code for the Chocobo feather from Chococraft using the items UN. Got the green text to say it had been added, but when i tried to test then with my tablet it still wasn’t a compatible item, i’ve restarted the server to see if that works.

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Not sure what you mean by not compatible.

After you entered the command if you mouse over it again does it now show an EMC value?

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Just tried with the air shard from thaumcraft which worked using the OD value, but using the UN value for the chocobo feather didn’t despite the green text message showing that both worked.

(By not compatible i mean it didn’t work, sorry poor way to describe the situation :D)

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/projecte_addEMC UN chocoFeather 0 256

Not sure what choco feather UN name is actually called since i dont have it installed. Just replace that with the real UN for it and change 256 to whatever EMC you want it to cost again.

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If you want an easy way to set EMC, download the latest Dev build (link in the main page).
Then, hold the item you want to add EMC to in your hand, and type the command /projecte_setEMC and the value you want.

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WOW, you are the man dude. That is awsome.

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how do you set ore dictionary entries in the dev version?

Автору эти координаты пригодятся для дальнейших разъяснений.
Если вы знаете английский, то после просмотра видео переходите к установке.

Эта сборка только и исключительно для версии Minecraft 1.2.5.

1) Вам необходимо скачать следующие файлы:
а) MinecraftForge Эта программа необходимая для работы мода.
б) И сам мод

2) Зайти в папку с игрой:
C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\.minecraft.

3) Заходим в папку \ «bin».
В ней находится файл minecraft.jar.
Правый щелчёк->Открыть с помощью->WinRAR archiver.
Находим папку META-INF и удаляем её. (ничего не закрываем).

4) Открываем MinecraftForge-
Перетаскиваем всё его содержимое в открытый вами minecraft.jar.
Закрываем minecraft.jar.

5) Запускаем Minecraft.
Ждём пока игра загрузится.
Выходим из игры.

6) В папке с игрой .minecraft должна появиться папка «mods».
Перетаскиваем в неё EE2ClientV1.4.6.6.jar.

7) Запускаем игру.
Создаём карту Creative Mode.
Если в инвентаре появились новые вещи — вы всё правильно сделали.

8) Заходим в википедию мода смотрим рецепты.

9) Играем новую Survival с новыми возможностями.

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